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Armed Forces of Haiti

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Armed Forces of Haiti
Forces Armées d'Haïti (French)
Fòs Lame d'Ayiti (Haitian Creole)
Emblem of the Armed Forces of Haiti
Emblem of the Armed Forces of Haiti
Combat Patch of the Armed Forces of Haiti
Combat Patch of the Armed Forces of Haiti
Coat of Arms of Haiti
Founded18 May 1803[1] (Indigenous Army)
Current form17 November 2017
Service branchesHaitian Army
Haitian Aviation Corps
Haitian Navy
HeadquartersGrand Quartier Général
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
PresidentTransitional Presidential Council
Prime MinisterGarry Conille
Minister of DefenseJean Marc Berthier Antoine
Commander-in-Chief of the Armed ForcesLt. Gen. Derby Guerrier (acting)
Deputy Commander-in-ChiefMaj. Gen. Jonas Jean
Chief of the General StaffBrig. Gen. Sadrac Saintil
Military age18–25
Available for
military service
5,534,135, age 15–49
Active personnel1500 - 2000 (2023)
BudgetHTG 5.6 billion (2024)
(USD $42.5 million)[2][3]
Percent of GDP1.2
Foreign suppliers Taiwan
 United Arab Emirates
Related articles
HistoryMilitary history of Haiti

List of wars involving Haiti

Gang war in Haiti
RanksMilitary ranks of Haiti

The Armed Forces of Haiti (French: Forces Armées d'Haïti, Haitian Creole: Fòs Lame d'Ayiti) are the military forces of the Republic of Haiti, is composed of the Haitian Army, the Haitian Navy, and the Haitian Aviation Corps. The Force has about 2000 active personnel as of 2023,[4] with the army and aviation corps being active, and navy personnel still in the works.

The Haitian military originated during the Haitian Revolution as the Indigenous Army (Armée Indigène) that fought for independence, which was formally declared on 1 January 1804.[1] Haiti became a militarized country over the next several decades to protect its independence from a possible return of French troops, and as a result the military dominated the government and administration,[5] with the emergence of a military elite that held the political and economic power in the country.[6] The military was reorganized in the 1880s, being divided between a small active army that underwent the reform, and a much larger reserve army consisting of the old forces. There was also a small navy.[7] Between 1804 and 1915, all except one of Haiti's 26 heads of state were military officers.[8]

The Indigenous Army was disbanded during the United States occupation of Haiti in 1915 and replaced by the American-trained and -led Gendarmerie (Gendarmerie d'Haïti). In 1934, it was renamed the Garde d'Haiti and returned to Haitian command, before being renamed the Army of Haiti in 1947.[9] Finally, it was changed to the Armed Forces of Haiti in 1958 during the rule of François Duvalier.[10] After years of military interference in politics, including dozens of military coups and attempted coups, Haiti disbanded its military in 1995.[11] The Haitian National Police was established that same year to take over security.[12]

On 17 November 2017, the armed forces were restored by President Jovenel Moise. The Army was reestablished in 2018. The President suspended the previous executive orders by then President Jean-Bertrand Aristide who suspended and disbanded the armed forces on 6 December 1995.

As of 2024, the number of active members is estimated in the range of 1500 to 2000.





The origins of Haiti's military lie in the Haitian Revolution. A decade of warfare produced a military cadre from which Haiti's early leaders emerged. Defeat of the French demonstrated Haiti's considerable strategic stamina and tactical capabilities, but Haiti's victory did not translate into a successful national government or a strong economy. Lacking a strong constitution, Haiti was usually ruled by force. The armed forces, who had been united against the French, fragmented into warring regional factions. The military very soon took control of almost every aspect of Haitian life. Officers assumed responsibility for the administration of justice and for municipal management. According to a Haitian diplomat, the country was in its earlier days "an immense military camp." Without viable civilian institutions, Haiti was vulnerable to military personalities, who permanently shaped the nation's authoritarian, personalist, and coercive style of governance.

19th century


Haiti's defense fell victim to political vagaries. A readiness for battle and the initiation of defense-related engineering projects in the early 19th century turned out to be costly preparation for conflict against phantom armies. The engineering projects included construction of the citadel of La Ferrière in northern Haiti. Soon afterward, Haiti turned its attention toward the rest of the island of Hispaniola (La Isla Española), which Haiti controlled between 1822 and 1844. Controlling the whole island, however, drained the national treasury and induced torpor in the battle-hardened veterans of the wars of independence.

During the mid-19th century, prolonged instability weakened the military. By the end of the 19th century, Haiti's military had become little more than an undisciplined, ill-fed, and poorly paid militia that shifted its allegiances as battles were won or lost and as new leaders came to power. Between 1806 and 1879, an estimated 69 revolts against existing governments took place; another twenty uprisings, or attempted insurrections, broke out between 1908 and 1915.

During the second half of the 19th century, the army either failed to protect the central government or directly caused the government's collapse. Rural insurgent movements led by piquets and cacos limited the central government's authority in outlying areas. These groups carried on war into the 20th century; they were finally put down by the United States Marine Corps in 1919.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Haiti's political instability provoked interference of the great powers (France, Germany, and the United States). The increasing American interest in Haiti prompted the United States Navy to deploy to the country's ports fifteen times between 1876 and 1913 in order to protect American lives and property, and the United States Marines to occupy the whole country from 1915 to 1934.

The Haitian Navy was created in 1860 with the commissioning of a single gunboat. Two additional gunboats entered service in 1875 followed by a corvette ten years later. By 1900 three British and French-built gunboats had been launched. In 1902 the Haitian gunboat Crête-à-Pierrot had a brief engagement with a German warship. The Admiral of the Haitian fleet, Hammerton Killick, scuttled his ship rather than surrender.

20th century


United States occupation

Haitian gendarmes of the 1924 Olympics rifle team, with the head of the gendarmerie, Douglas C. McDougal (center).

The United States Marines disbanded Haiti's army, which consisted of an estimated 9,000 men, including 308 generals. In February 1916, the Haitian Constabulary (Gendarmerie d'Haïti) was formed. United States Marines and United States Navy officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs) commanded the group. The Gendarmerie attempted to secure public safety, initially by subduing the cacos; to promote development, particularly road construction; and to modernize the military through the introduction of a training structure, a health service, and other improvements.

The United States occupation of Haiti brought order and resulted in some economic and social development. At the same time, the United States overhauled Haiti's disintegrated military infrastructure. The Gendarmerie became the Garde d'Haïti in 1928; the Garde formed the core of Haiti's armed forces after the United States administration ended. The United States sought to establish a modern, apolitical military force in Haiti. On the surface, it succeeded; the organization, the training, and the equipment of the Garde all represented improvements over the military conditions existing before the occupation.

After the United States occupation ended, the Haitian military was given the responsibility to ensure domestic law and order. This concern with internal, rather than with external security, endured throughout the 20th century.

Post-occupation period


The Haitian Coast Guard was created in the late 1930s. The Haitian Air Force was created in 1943.

Haiti became a party to a number of international agreements, including the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (the Rio Treaty), the Charter of the Organization of American States, and the earlier Act of Chapultepec (1945). The nation's security concerns regarding neighboring Cuba and the Dominican Republic have been viewed since World War II within the broader framework of United States strategic interests in the Caribbean. The fact that the FAd'H deployed relatively few of its units along the Dominican border, despite a history of conflicts with its neighbor, reflects Haiti's limited national security concerns.

Duvalier period

Douglas DC-3 of the Haitian Air Force in October 1969.
Cadillac Gage Commandos of the Haitian Army on 24 September 1994.
Artillery of the Haitian Army on 24 September 1994.

After the establishment of the Duvalier regime in 1957, various external threats have had little impact on Haiti's security. The Duvaliers' tight control eliminated all Marxist influences in the country, thus minimizing the effects of the Cuban Revolution. It was not until 1986 that a communist party, the Unified Party of Haitian Communists (Parti Unifié Communiste Haïtien, PUCH), openly operated in the country. Cuba helped some Haitian refugees travel to Florida in the 1980s, but its overall interest in Haitian affairs has been unclear. The severity of Haiti's political and economic crises, along with the high profile of the United States in the region, has limited involvement by other countries in Haitian affairs.

Threats to Haiti's internal security, however, have been numerous during the past four decades. Between 1968 and 1970, the government repulsed three invasions supported by exiled Haitians. In 1970 the Coast Guard mutinied. The Coast Guard's five ships, low on fuel and ammunition, went into exile at the United States military base at Guantánamo, Cuba. In the early 1980s, Haitian military forces and members of the Volontaires de la Sécurité Nationale (VSN) defeated a small exile force on the Ile de la Tortue (Tortuga Island). An airplane dropped a bomb on the National Palace in 1982, and a car bomb exploded nearby in 1983. Exile groups, however, never posed a significant military challenge to the army and the VSN. The real challenge to these forces came in the popular domestic disturbances that developed after 1984.

Post-Duvalier period


After the collapse of the Duvalier regime in 1986, the FAd'H developed an agenda to exert national political leadership, to restore public order, and to gain control over the VSN and other paramilitary groups, but carrying out this program proved difficult, given Haiti's political, economic, and foreign policy situations.

Lynn Garrison and crew with Haitian Corps d'Aviation Marchetti S-211 prior to flight in 1990

The main mission of Haiti's armed forces in the late 1980s continued to be internal security. After 1986, however, this mission regularly conflicted with the national leadership role of the FAd'H. Generational and political differences among officers and a scarcity of resources for the military led to chronic instability that culminated in military coups. These coups caused the government to change hands four times in 1988. A fifth coup in early 1989, however, failed to topple the government. The two most important problems that the FAd'H had to face were, first, a divided senior military command and, second, suspicious junior officers and NCO personnel. These problems became apparent in 1988 when Avril ousted Namphy and subsequently dismissed a number of senior officers. The degree to which NCOs may have been manipulated in this process and the extent to which lower army echelons had begun to shape their own political attitudes caused some observers to doubt the military's future as an institution.

The challenges facing the FAd'H in the late 1980s were more political than military. The largest and most immediate questions revolved around the institution's ability to govern Haiti during a period of political transition and modernization. It remained unclear, in mid-1989, how and when the military planned to transfer power to a legitimate civilian government. Another important problem concerned the personal political ambitions of some army commanders. It was also unclear how the FAd'H would respond to these challenges because the institution had not demonstrated viable national political capabilities. The FAd'H was ill-prepared for this broad new role in national life because François Duvalier had severely limited its role in government affairs.

Other security-related problems included narcotics trafficking. United States officials have expressed concern over Haiti's role as a major transshipment area for narcotics, mainly Colombian cocaine bound for the United States. This role apparently expanded after Jean-Claude Duvalier's fall. The United States Drug Enforcement Administration opened an office in Port-au- Prince in October 1987 to help Haitian authorities control drug trafficking; however, the lack of a professional police force in Haiti hindered these efforts. The FAd'H appeared ambivalent toward the narcotics issue because drug-related corruption reportedly involved hundreds of members of the officer corps and because some officers resented pressure from Washington. Avril, however, attempted to placate United States concerns by dismissing some officers linked to drug trafficking. The most prominent among the dismissed officers was Col. Jean-Claude Paul, a former commander of the Dessalines Battalion, who was indicted in March 1988 by a Florida grand jury on charges of cocaine distribution.[13] Haiti had signed an extradition treaty with the United States, but the agreement did not cover narcotics-related offenses, so Paul never faced trial on the charges.

Paul's continued service in the army posed a political problem, and Avril asked him to retire. In November 1988, however, Paul died mysteriously, possibly a victim of poisoning. Paul's death removed a major narcotics figure and a potential threat to Avril's political power.

Unstable and unstructured civilian politics and institutions also undermined Haiti's stability. Some Duvalierists sought to use the armed forces completely or partially to restore the ancien régime. At the same time, more democracy-oriented civilian groups, all of which lacked strong institutional bases, continued to be suspicious of the army's political leadership. The weak economy and the international media's criticism of Haitian affairs resulted in financial and public-relations problems for the army; and, because Haiti's political environment remained volatile and because the army did not always appear to be in control of the country, Haiti faced more unrest and the possible development of insurgency movements. On the one hand, Haiti's armed forces was still one of the few institutions of national magnitude, but, on the other hand, the armed forces suffered from serious institutional deterioration and diminished cohesion. In 1989 the military was struggling to provide political leadership at a time when it faced its own disintegration.



After years of military interference in politics, including dozens of military coups (from two Duvalier-period attempts in 1958 and 1963 to the last one staged in 1991), Haiti disbanded its military in 1995. Haiti's National Assembly created new civilian law enforcement, with the heavily armed Haitian National Police, and the Haitian Coast Guard, with the help of the United States and the United Nations. Yet, to date there has been no official constitutional amendment to abolish the military. The United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) has been authorized to complete the disarmament and demobilization of any remaining militias.[14]

Without its own military, Haiti relies heavily on United Nations (UN) peacekeeping forces. The multinational force has been responsible for quelling riots and preparing for democratic elections. Before UN forces arrived, a multilateral force made up of troops from Canada, Chile, France, and the United States helped stabilize the country under the interim leadership of President Boniface Alexandre.[14]

Haiti has no obvious external threats. Tensions have long existed between Haiti and the Dominican Republic, but the current border has been fixed since 1936.[14]

21st century




In July 2017 the BBC announced that Haiti's government had launched a campaign to re-establish the army[15] after MINUSTAH termination. According to the announcement, the government wanted to recruit about 500 men and women, between the ages of 18 and 25, who have passed their secondary education exams. The role of the army would be to help deal with natural disasters and to patrol Haitian borders.[15]

Members of the Haitian military are being trained and formed through military cooperation with Ecuador,[16] Mexico[17] and Argentina.[18][19] Since the formation of the TPC and the Conille cabinet, meetings have been held with the United States, France, Argentina, Mexico, Taiwan, Brazil, Colombia, and Canada on the matters of defense partnership, military cooperation, training, and military acquisitions.[citation needed]

The Haitian Armed Forces have been deployed to areas hit with natural disasters like the 2021 earthquake, performed sanitation, medical and vaccination campaigns, and more recently have been deployed to support the Haitian National Police in the fight against gang violence and terrorism. Servicemembers currently protect the Airport perimeter, and have been operating a patrolling in areas like the Champ-de-Mars, Delmas, Solino, and Bicentenaire. The government intends to deploy military members to protect the bay of Port-au-Prince and the port, as well as fight increasing piracy, although there were no mentions of an official reinstatement of the Haitian Navy.[citation needed]

Former organization


The army and air force were the better equipped branches of the armed forces, with the navy the least equipped over the years and up to 1994.

Small Arms/Artillery/Armored vehicles


The equipment of the last standing army, most of it from the United States, was taken by the US Army in the 1990s during Operation Uphold Democracy:

After remobilization of Haitian Army by President Jovenel Moïse, Haitian Army will purchase military ground vehicles from Russia, China, Brazil, South Korea, and Israel in 2019 as part of an overall re-equipment plan.[citation needed]


The Haitian Navy existed in the 19th century and parts of the 20th century. In the 1900s, the fleet mostly consisted of gunboats and other small vessels before the U.S. occupation in 1915, at which point almost all of its ships were sold. After 1915, only two unarmed schooners were kept for the Haitian coast guard.[20]

Before 1915 the fleet included the following:[20]

  • Ex-Italian cruiser Umbria (1910–1911) renamed Consul Gostrück
  • gunboat Crête-à-Pierrot (1896–1902)
  • gunboat Liberté (1910–1911)
  • gunboat 22 Decebre 1804 (1860–1912)
  • gunboat 1804 (1875–1912)
  • gunboat Dessalines (1883–1915)
  • gunboat Toussaint-Louverture (1886–1915)
  • gunboat Capois La Mort (1893–1915)
  • gunboat Alexander Petion (1893–1915)
  • Two auxiliary schooners

The ships from the fleet that existed in the 1980s was handed over to the Haitian Coast Guard following the disbandment of the military.



The current FAd'H, has about 2000 members, the exact number is not known. As of 2024, only the Army and the Aviation Corps are operational.The Haitian Navy (La Marine Haitienne) is a work in progress, with officers and NCOs currently being formed, by Argentina at the Escuela Naval Militar.

The Headquarters of the Armed Forces of Haiti (Grand Quartier Général des Forces Armées d'Haiti) seats at its historical site[21] on the Champ de Mars, across from the ground of the National Palace (Palais National).

The Corps of Engineers are based on an installation on the Bicentenaire. The National Guard Unit and Medical Unit are based in the Military Aviation Base.

The Aviation Corps (Corps d'Aviation des Forces Armées d'Haiti) has it's garrison at the Military Aviation Base, located at the former base of the Chilean Air Force battalion of the MINUSTAH (attached to Toussaint Louverture International Airport).

Insignia of the Defense Staff of the FAd'H (Haut État-Major)

There is currently only one recruit depot used for basic training, the Anacaona Base, located on a former MINUSTAH South Korean Army battalion base in Léogâne.

On 3 October, The Defense Ministry and Transitional Presidential Council announced plans to install an additional military base[22] in Tabarre, on the grounds of a former MINUSTAH camp that housed the Brazilian Army infantry battalion, the Paraguayan Army Corps of Engineers battalion, and the Argentine Air Force Mobile Field Hospital from 2004 to 2017. Across the road from the site is the locale of the United States embassy in Port-au-Prince. The government also has plans of building training camps in the north and south of the country to rapidly fill up the ranks, and reach the critical numbers required to serve and defend the country.

Lt.Gen. Derby Guerrier, acting Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Haiti (2024 - current)

Command structure



  • Serve and defend the nation against all enemies, foreign or domestic.
  • Maintain the national border
  • Establish doctrines for the various operations it has to undertake
  • Participate in military mobilization programs
  • And actively achieve readiness to develop technologies and scientifical advances for the advancement of national defense

Service branches


The Armed Forces are divided in service branches, which are subdivided into service units.

The service branches are:

  • Army (Armée d'Haiti)
    • Corps of Engineers (Corps du Génie Militaire)
    • National Guard (Garde Nationale)
    • Special Forces (Forces Spéciales)
    • Medical & Sanitary Corps (Corps Médico-Sanitaire)
    • Agriculture Section (Séction Agricole)
    • Band (Fanfares des Forces Armées d'Haiti)
  • Aviation Corps (Corps d'Aviation)
  • Navy (Marine Haitienne) (TBA)

Budget and modernization




On 2 October 2024, PM Conille posted an infographic on his Twitter account, demonstrating that, in the 2024-25 budget, the defense budget would increase 252%. In the same image, the military budget was stated to have increased 463% compared to the previous year, to a value of HTG $5.6 billion (USD $42.5 million).[23]This increase comes as the TPC and Conille government reiterate their support for modernization in the Armed Forces of Haiti, so it can increase its operational capabilities, and take its rightful place in defense and service of the nation. "Security cannot wait" said Prime Minister Garry Conille. Investment in the working and living conditions on military installations, and in healthcare, lodging for the troops and their families are also part of the promises made by the Conille government.[24]



The plans of modernization of the Armed Forces of Haiti included making it a professional military, a force that was more than just a fighting force. In 2015, Haiti would complete the workshop for the White Book of Defense and Durable Development in collaboration with the Inter-American Defense Board,[25] making it the first caribbean nation to obtain the document, and 19th in the hemisphere. The document is aimed at reinforcing the rule of law and stabilization by modernizing the state institutions. The first component of the remobilized Armed Forces would the Corps of Engineers (CORGE), formed in Ecuador. Mexico would train the National Guard and Special Forces Unit.

Since the formation of the Gary Conille Government, and the appointment of Jean Marc Berthier Antoine as Minister of Defense in June 2024, meeting have been had with the ambassadors and chargé d'affaires of the United States (as well as representatives from the United States Southern Command),[26][27] Taiwan,[28] France,[29] Argentina,[30],Mexico,[31] and Canada[32] These meeting entailed discussions over defense cooperation, security partnership, and the formation and training (basic training and continuing formation) of members of the armed forces. On 28 August 2024, it was reported that the Haitian army conducted a recruitment drive that resulted in 3,000 men being selected for the Haitian army, as part of an effort by Haitian Prime Minister Garry Conille to expand, modernize and improve military quality of life.[33][34]

On 25 August, outgoing French ambassador Fabrice Mauriès stated that France has always supported the Haitian Armed Forces and confirmed that starting September 2024, members of the armed forces would start travelling to Martinique for training with the French Forces to the Antilles.[35]On 29 August 2024, Taiwan donated personal protection kits to the FAd'H including ballistic helmets, eye protection, vest/plate carrier with pouches, gloves, and knee pads.[36][37]

Human rights protection is a key component of the modernization of the Armed Forces; in August 2024, servicemembers would complete a course on Human Rights, International Humanitarian Rights, as well Gender Equity. This training was used to update the basic training manual for the future recruit classes.

Negotiations are being had with the United Arab Emirates[38] for technical assistance and formation on the matters of defense, operational expertise using military technology, and logistical self-reliance concerning equipment and vehicle maintenance.



Procurement has been a challenge for the Armed Forces since its reestablishment. The military is still subject to restrictions by the United States Department of State,[39] with the Leahy Law still being in effect. This prohibits the United States from selling or giving any lethal equipment to the Haitian Military.

The largest and only donor to the Armed Forces of Haiti, has been Taiwan. Since 2017, they have given rifles and personal defensive equipment such as ballistic helmets, vests, and knee pads.

As of 2024, the Haitian government has been buying military equipment, such as assault rifles like the Taurus T4, from Brazil. The Haitian Armed Forces received it latest batch from the government on 4 September 2024, which arrived with Haitian foreign minister Dominique Dupuy after official visit to Brazil. In order to buy larger weapons and combat vehicles, discussions have been had to "move the lines" said an official source.

The Haitian government plans on acquiring ships from Miami, to reinforce its maritime capacities in the defense of the bay and port of Port-au-Prince, and fight piracy activities along the metropolitan coastline. No mentions of reinstating the Haitian Navy were made though.

Prime Minister Garry Conille traveled to the UAE with a delegation including FAd'H General Azémar,[38] at the invitation of his Emirati homologue, to negotiate the purchase of armoured personnel carriers, drones, weapons, and other military technologies from the United Arab Emirates,[40] as well as technical assistance.[41] The objective of these discussions are to establish a continuous flow of supply for the military, to increase its operational and logistical capabilities.



Rank structure




The rank insignia of commissioned officers.

Rank group General/flag officers Senior officers Junior officers
Haitian Army
Lieutenant général Major général Général de brigade Colonel Lieutenant-colonel Major Capitaine Lieutenant Sous-lieutenant
Lyetnan jeneral Majò jeneral Jeneral de brigad Kolonèl Lyetnan kolonèl Majò Kapitèn Lyetnan Soulyetnan
Haitian Aviation Corps
Haitian Navy
Rank group General/flag officers Senior officers Junior officers



The rank insignia of non-commissioned officers and enlisted personnel.

Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted
Haitian Army
No insignia
Sergent major Premier sergent Sergent-fourrier Sergent Caporal Soldat de première classe Soldat
Sèjan majò Premye sèjan Sèjan-fourye Sèjan Kaporal Sòlda premye klas Sòlda
Haitian Navy
Haitian Aviation Corps
Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted



2018 Floodings in Port-de-Paix


2018 Earthquake in the North-West Department


2021 Earthquake in Nippes Department



Haitian Gang War (2024–present)


In March 2023, then Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry signaled that he wanted to mobilize the Haitian military to deal with rising gang related violence that has swept much of the country in the wake of the crisis.[43] After the terrorist attacks on the several prisons, including the Port-au-Prince prison (Pénitencier National), and several police stations the weekend of 2 March 2024, the Haitian military was deployed to the Toussaint Louverture International Airport to repel the gang assaults of 4 March 2024, defend and secure the airport.[44] They were also task to protect the Bank of the Republic of Haiti and the port of Port-au-Prince. As of 27 August 2024, Prime Minister Conille confirmed that the Armed Forces were operating alongside the Haitian National Police and the Kenyan contingent of the Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti, in the neighborhoods of Bel-Air and Solino.[45]

The government intends to deploy elements to the Bay of Port-au-Prince to counter the gangs' attacks on port facilities and defend the water against piracy. On 4 October, it was confirmed that troops had deployed to the Artibonite department, in response to the Pont-Sondé massacre committed by the "Gran Grif" gang that resulted in over 70 deaths.[46]

Military equipment


Taiwan so far has been the largest international donor to the FAd'H. 100 sets of protection equipment and 100 T-91 rifles were donated during former Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen’s visit to Port-au-Prince in 2019. In August 2024, part of 400 total personal protection kits were donated to the FAd'H via the Taiwan Embassy. The outgoing ambassador Wen-Jiann Ku reiterated that Taiwan has been a supporter of the Haitian Armed Forces since its remobilization. "...Taiwan was the first and only supplier of the army.", he said in an interview with Le Nouvelliste on September 2, 2024. Ku also showed his satisfaction with other international partners showing the will to support, supply, and work with the Armed Forces. "...After discussions with the authorities, Taiwan will furnish other equipment to the army and they are already on their way to be delivered to Haiti.", he said, confirming that additional military equipment are already on the way.[47]

The equipment of the National Equipment Center (CNE) were transferred to the Corps of Engineers,[48] in the objective of reinforcing the military's capacities. On 4 September 2024, Prime Minister Conille supervised the delivery of material purchased by the government, including weapons, to the armed forces.[49] The details and what the purchase included is not yet known. The batch was part of the transitional government's dedication to increasing the military's operational capacities in supporting the Haitian National Police in operations, and better respond to other national crisis, such as securing the borders and natural disasters.



Small arms


*Records of small arms acquisitions are not publics. The list is a compilation of weapons pictured being carried by soldiers on duty.



APC and Troop Transport Vehicles

  • Manpower available for military service: 2,047,083 males age 16–49, 2,047,953 females age 16–49 (2008 estimate)
  • Manpower fit for military service: 1,303,743 males age 16–49, 1,332,316 females age 16–49 (2008 estimate)
  • Manpower reaching militarily significant age annually: 105,655 males, 104,376 females (2008 estimate)
  • Military expenditures: 0.4% of GDP in 2006

Partnerships and cooperation



Haitian Armed Forces trainees with Ecuadorian soldiers.

The initial troops were formed in Ecuador between 2012 and 2017, during the Michel Martelly administration, as part of a cooperation accord between the two countries dating back to 2010, and revised in 2015.[59] The soldiers of the Corps of Engineers (Corps du Génie, CORGE), were formed at the "Escuela Superior Militar Eloy Alfaro" in Quito, including 4 commissioned officers. Additionally, in 2015, 40 Commissioned Officers were formed at the "Escuela de Formación de Soldados Vencedores del Cenepa" in Ambato and 27 enlisted would obtain an 8 months formation at the "Escuela de Formación Militar de Santo Domingo de Los Colorados" in Santo Domingo, Ecuador.[60]


Non-lethal military aid from Taiwan, officially handed over to the Armed Forces of Haiti

Taiwan so far has been the largest international donor to the FAd'H. 100 sets of protection equipment and 100 T-91 rifles were donated during former Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen’s visit to Port-au-Prince in 2019.[61]

In August 2024, 100 of 400 total personal protection kits were donated to the FAd'H via the Taiwan Embassy.[62] The outgoing ambassador Wen-Jiann Ku reiterated that Taiwan has been a supporter of the Haitian Armed Forces since its remobilization. "...Taiwan was the first and only supplier of the army.", he said in an interview with Le Nouvelliste on September 2, 2024. Ku also showed his satisfaction with other international partners showing the will to support, supply, and work with the Armed Forces. "...After discussions with the authorities, Taiwan will furnish other equipment to the army and they are already on their way to be delivered to Haiti.", he said, confirming that additional military equipment are already on the way.[47]


Members of the FAD'H following instruction from a Mexican Army instructor.

As part of the bilateral cooperation accord between Mexico and Haiti, signed on 7 October 2018, 50 Non-commissioned officer of the Armed Forces of Haiti get a formation at the "Escuela Militar de Sargentos"[63] of the Mexican Army, in Puebla, Mexico.[64][65][66] On 16 August 2019, the first class of servicemembers formed in Haiti, composed of 248 soldiers, 50 NCOs, and 15 officers, would graduate from the recruiting depot at the Anacaona Military Base, in Léogâne.[67][68] That class was trained by Mexican military instructors.

FAD'H soldiers going through special forces training in Mexico

In 2022, 29 NCOs would get trained at the "Centro de Adiestramiento de Fuerzas Especiales" in Temamatla, Mexico to become drill instructors in order to facilitate the formation of new soldiers on Haitian soil.[69][70] Another company of 150 soldiers would go to Mexico to get a formation by the Mexican Army and Mexican National Guard, in subjects including drone warfare, guerilla warfare, Sniper training, Demolition. That company upon their return to Haiti would become the National Guard Unit (Unité de Garde Nationale)[71] that was trained.[72][73][74][75]

In 2023, 113 soldiers travelled to Mexico for special operations training with the Cuerpo de Fuerzas Especiales, becoming the first Special forces unit of the new FAd'H.[76][77][78]


Haitian cadet at the Escuela de Aviacion Militar
Haitian cadets graduating from the Escuela Naval Militar
Amb. Vilbert Belizaire and Brigadier General Xavier Isaac signing a protocol of cooperation between the Armed Forces of Haiti and the Escuela de Aviacion Militar.

Argentina has been providing scholarship to Haitian cadets to attend their military academies.[79] As of now, only the Escuela Naval Militar[80] and the Escuela de Aviación Militar[81] have hosted cadets, at both officer and non-commissioned officer level. On 16 March 2023, Ambassador Vilbert Bélizaire and Brigadier General Xavier Isaac signed a cooperation protocol between the Armed Forces of the Argentine Republic and the Armed Force of Haiti, formalizing a program of training and technical assistance from the Escuela de Aviacion to the FAD'H.[82]

There have been discussions to establish a formal military cooperation accord between the two countries.[83][84][85]On 22 August, the chargé d'affaires of Haiti to Argentina, met with Brigadier general Xavier Isaac, Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Argentine Republic, to discuss the advancements of military cooperation between Haiti and Argentina.



While there is no public documentation of purchases, Haiti has been purchasing small arms from Brazil, mainly the Taurus T4 rifle and the Taurus TH9 pistol. The last batch arrived on 4 September 2024, with Minister of Foreign Affairs Dominique Dupuy, after her official trip to Brazil.[86]


Meeting between the Haitian Armed Forces Chiefs of Staff and a French Forces delegation.

In April 2024, on in interview on Haitian news outlet Metropole, The ambassador of France to Haiti, Fabrice Mauriès, stated that France was open to military cooperation with Haiti[87] and that discussions were had with the Haitian government to form servicemembers in their bases in the Antilles.

On 18 September 2024, Defense Minister Berthier Antoine, French Ambassador Antoine Michon, and Lt. Col. Laoufi of the French Forces in the Antilles would announce that 50 or so members of the FAd'H would be traveling to Martinique for continuing formation with the French Armed Forces to the Antilles.[88][89][90]

United Arab Emirates[38]


Emirati Vice President Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan invited Haitian Prime Minister Conille to visit the United Arab Emirates, where he and his delegation including a FAD'H officer inspected potential material and equipment required by the armed forces. He was also introduced to security and defense experts, who could provide training and technical assistance on the matters of surveillance and intelligence. The PM stated that an accord of cooperation was almost done, to streamline the procurement of drones, armored vehicles, weapons, munitions, and spare parts for the security forces.[91]





In 2021, talks were held between Dr. Louis Marie Montfort Saintil, the Ambassador of Haiti in Spain, and Colonel Carlos Sanchez Bas of the Spanish Air and Space Force in the objectives of exploring avenues of cooperation, more precisely in the field of reorganization and modernization of the Aeronautical Corps of the Armed Forces of Haiti.[92]

United States

Meeting between officers of the Armed Forces of Haiti and Defense attachés of the US Embassy.

After the Haitian military successfully repelled terrorist attacks on Toussaint Louverture International Airport on the afternoon of 4 March 2024 and helped secure it, the United States Department of State stated, although it had not changed its general policy on the Haitian military, it could provide non-lethal aid to the Armed Forces of Haiti.[39] Twice the Defense Minister, Jean Marc Berthier Antoine, would meet with the Defense Attaché of the U.S. Embassy, United States Coast Guard CMDR Anne Grabins, and Foreign Area Officer/Deputy Security Cooperation Director United States Army Major Tripp Callaway, both part of United States Southern Command (SOUTHCOM). The first meeting would be on 3 July, in the presence of Ambassador Dennis Hankins.[93] The second meeting, on 13 August 2024, would include Lieutenant General (then Brigadier General) Derby Guerrier and Major Ted Tesnor. [94]Topics of discussions included avenues of defense partnership between the two countries, and training of Haitian servicemembers.

On 15 October 2024, while attending the XVI Conference of Defense Ministers in the Americas (CDMA) in Mendoza, Argentina, the defense minister met with the United States Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro.[95]



Defense Minister Berthier Antoine, would meet with the Ambassador of Canada, André François Giroux, on 9 September 2024, over cooperation and partnership on the matters of defense.[32] Later on, at the CDMA in Argentina, he had an exchange with Canadian Defence Minister Bill Blair over the same subject.

See also





  1. ^ a b Avril 1999, pp. 40–41.
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  5. ^ Avril 1999, p. 43.
  6. ^ Gerlus 1996, pp. 240–242.
  7. ^ Avril 1999, pp. 52–53.
  8. ^ Gerlus 1996, p. 250.
  9. ^ Avril 1999, p. 31.
  10. ^ Laguerre 1993, p. 107.
  11. ^ "Haiti a step closer to having army again". USA Today. Petite Riviere de l'Artibonite, Haiti. Associated Press. 16 September 2013. Retrieved 29 January 2014.
  12. ^ Metz 2001, pp. 477–479.
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  89. ^ Michon, Antoine (18 September 2024). "Merci M. le Ministre pour cet échange avec ma délégation et pour la visite de la base des FAD'H à Clercine. Nous allons engager ces formations des FAD'H avec les Forces armées françaises aux Antilles pour les renforcer dans leur mission de sécurité au bénéfice de la population". X.
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  93. ^ Berthier Antoine, Jean Marc (3 July 2024). "Rencontre fructueuse avec l'ambassadeur des USA, S.E.M. Dennis B. Hankins aujourd'hui au local du ministère. Nous avons discuté de la MMAS, de la coopération haitiano-américaine en matière de défense avec un accent sur la formation des militaires haïtiens". Facebook.
  94. ^ U.S. Embassy Haiti (14 August 2024). "Jean Marc Berthier Antoine, Minister of Defense of the Republic of Haiti : "Today, I held a working session with an American delegation, accompanied by certain members of the High Staff of the Haitian Armed Forces. We discussed defense-related issues". X.
  95. ^ Berthier Antoine, Jean Marc (15 October 2024). "Rencontre prometteuse avec le Secrétaire de la Marine américaine, M. Carlos Del Toro, en marge de la 16e CDMA. Nous avons discuté de la situation en Haïti, des efforts déployés par le gouvernement pour y remédier et de l'importance de la solidarité hémisphérique pour Haïti". X.


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  • Laguerre, Michel S. (1993). The Military and Society in Haiti. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press. ISBN 978-1-349-13046-7.
  • Metz, Helen Chapin (2001). Dominican Republic and Haiti: Country Studies. Washington, D.C.: Federal Research Division, Library of Congress.
  • Smigielski, Adam & Jaskula, Andrzej M. (1986). "Haiti". In Gardiner, Robert & Gray, Randal (eds.). Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1906–1921. London: Conway Maritime Press. p. 416. ISBN 0-85177-245-5.
  • The US Navy in the Caribbean 1903–1920, Presence, prevention and persuasion – A Historical Analysis of Military Force. Edward Rhodes, 2004 p 160–161

Public Domain This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain. Country Studies. Federal Research Division.